A Study of the Wave Packet Dynamics of Li_2 Molecule with Femtosecond-Resolved Photoelectron Spectrum 利用飞秒含时光电子能谱研究Li2分子的波包动力学过程
Any one of these different elements could actually produce a photoelectron spectroscopy spectrum that has five distinct lines. 其中任何一种元素,都可能产生,有五条分立谱线的光电子能谱。
So, we can actually kind of visualize what we would see if we were looking at a photoelectron spectrum. 实际上,我们可以在一定程度上想象出,我们在光电子谱上可以看到什么。
Structure and Photoelectron Energy Spectrum of Ga_2As_n Ion Clusters Ga2Asn离子团簇结构及其光电子能谱研究
Laser-induced autoionization and photoelectron spectrum 激光诱导自电离及其光电子能谱
Zero Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectrum and Its Applications 零动能光谱技术及其应用
The surface morphology, chemical constitution and states were tested and analyzed by scanning electron microscope ( SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS). 采用扫描电子显微镜与X射线光电子能谱仪分析了磨损钢球表面的形貌、化学组成。
The Raman spectrum, infrared spectrum and X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS) demonstrate that the hydrophobic nature of FN-DLC films lies on chemistry structure, polarization intensity and roughness of films surface. 用原子力显微镜观测了薄膜的表面形貌.结果表明,FN-DLC薄膜疏水性能主要取决于薄膜表面的化学结构、薄膜表面极化强度的强弱、以及薄膜的表面粗糙度的大小。
Control system for photoelectron spectrum beam line in synchrotron light source 同步辐射光电子能谱光束线控制系统
Processing Method of Widening Function for Photoelectron Spectrum 光电子能谱加宽函数的处理方法
Thereby it is feasible to import the mass-weighted coordinates when simulating photoelectron energy spectrum. 证明了在进行光电子模拟时引入质量加权是可行的。
X-ray photoelectron spectrum of La 0.7 Sr 0.3 Mno 3 Nano-meter solid is measured. The effect of high pressure on the state of oxygen atom is observed. 本文测量了La0.7Sr0.3MnO3纳米固体的X射线光电子能谱,观察到高压对氧原子状态的影响。
In the meantime, the mechanism is studied by current-voltage curve testing and X-ray photoelectron energy spectrum analysis. 此外,通过黄铁矿电极的循环伏安曲线的测试及X射线光电子能谱分析,研究了外控电位电化学处理黄铁矿浮选的机理。
In this letter, we mainly discuss the influences of the flow ratio of precursor gases CH 4 and N 2 on Raman spectra of CN x films and analyze the chemical states of CN x films with X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS). 本文着重探讨了CH4、N2的流量比对CNx膜的Raman谱的影响,并采用了X-射线光电子能谱(XPS)方法分析了CNx膜的化学状态。
XPS depth profiles showed that the photoelectron spectrum of Nb, Ge, C and O exhibited apparant chemical shifts and variations of the peak shape, i.e. the properties and the chemical states of these elements are complicated and varing along the depth profiles. X射线光电子能谱(XPS)的分析表明:Nb,Ge,C和O的谱峰沿深度均有不同程度的化学位移和峰形变化,这明这些元素的化学态在膜内是复杂的。
This paper introduces a measuring method of photoelectron spectrum of the photomultiplier and our measuring results ( single photoelectron, two photoelectron, three photoelectron). 主要介绍光电倍增管的光电子幅度谱(单光电子及多光电子幅度谱)的几种常用的测试方法及用LED光源、EMI的光电倍增管精密测得的单光电子及多光电子谱。
Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectrum Study on the Pyrolysis of RSSR RSSR热解的紫外光电子能谱研究
Adopt X ray photoelectron energy spectrum and scanning electron microscope watch their changes of the structure. 采用X射线光电子能谱仪及扫描电子显微镜观察了其表面结构的变化。
The chemical state of silver in the films was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectrum, and Auger electron spectrum was performed to determine the concentration of silver atoms in various films. 对抗菌膜进行了扫描电镜、X射线光电子谱和俄歇电子谱的研究与分析,发现抗菌膜中存在多种以银元素的化合物。
Normal one beam model for Fourier transform analysis method of photoelectron diffraction spectrum 光电子衍射谱Fourier变换分析方法的垂直单电子束模型
Surface properties of materials were characterized by contact angle and X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS) analyses. 方法:材料的表面性质通过表面接触角和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)进行表征。
The structure of the films was characterized by x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectrum, atomic force microscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry. 利用x射线衍射、紫外可见分光椭圆偏振谱、原子力显微镜及x射线光电子谱等研究了薄膜的结构、表面形貌和成分分布等。
Polarized-light microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectrum were adapted to analyze the makeup, structure and mechanism of the surface layer of ceramic tile and granite after grinding and polishing. 采用偏光显微分析、X射线衍射分析和X射线光电子能谱分析等测试手段,对玻化砖和花岗石磨抛加工后材料表面的组成、结构和生成机理进行了研究。
X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS) revealed the nitrogen incorporation of the CN_x nanotubes. 射线光电子谱测试分析进一步验证了纳米管中氮原子的掺杂。
At the same time we studied the difference for use LED low intensity light source and dark current method, mea sured photoelectron spectrum. 同时也介绍了用LED光源测得的单光电子幅度谱及用热发射法测得的暗电流谱的差异,并分析了两种方法测得的幅度谱的差异的主要根源。
Combining the X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS) analysis and CAFM, we have further studied the relationship between the conductance of SAM and the C1s binding energy of the terminal group of the molecule. 结合X射线光电子能谱,研究了末端基团中碳原子的结合能与相应硫醇分子电导的关系。
For the free evolution of H+ 2, we use attosecond pulses as probe pulses and obtain the time-varying photoelectron spectrum, when the electron occupies the lowest two eigenstates. 针对的自由演化,研究了电子占据最低两个本征态时,阿秒脉冲作用所得光电子谱随时间的变化。
We observed an oscillation character of the photoelectron spectrum that it oscillates with the delay time. 同时我们还观测到了光电子谱随延迟时间的周期性振荡结构,并对其原因进行了讨论。
According to the minority carrier lifetime and X-ray photoelectron spectrum ( XPS) tests, systematical analysis on the effect of different factors on the passivation performance was carried out. Also, two different wet chemical treatments were compared. 以微电导少子寿命测试仪和X射线光电子能谱仪测试结果作为依据,对各个影响因素进行了系统的分析,比较不同工艺条件下的钝化效果。